martes, 11 de julio de 2017

A deep reflection about what a teacher should be...

I have selected some ideas:

  •  We are in the 21st century, we are educators, so what does that mean and look like in our world and for education? It is not  technology that is having the biggest influence on what we do; it is the speed of change being thrust up… 
  • We do not have to change everything, but we need to continuously evaluate our practices and the impact on students to grow and get better.
  • Every single individual has different experiences and strengths that they bring to the classroom, and we are all better if we look to tap into those strengths and build a community around them.  
  • reating diverse networks in and out of education is crucial, understanding we can learn a great deal from the person across the hallway, as we can from the person on the other side of the world. When you are networked, great ideas often find you, not the other way around. 
  • I often ask,  “would you want to spend the whole day learning in your own classroom?” 

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